The Future of Publishing – Why Now Is the Time to Act - EditionGuard

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The Future of Publishing – Why Now Is the Time to Act

Mitch Woodhead

June 20, 2013

While the transition to ebooks and ereaders has been more prevalent in the U.S. than in Europe, digital publishing is here to stay. In a study from PWC, analysts highlight the future of publishing and the opportunity that exists for publishers, developers and authors: act now“Publishers, content owners, and retailers should act promptly to secure leading positions in the eBook and eReader marketplace, and not concede ground to participants new to the industry. Publishers, bookstores, and device manufacturers should take the opportunity to provide the market now with innovative products before others do so. And authors should explore opportunities for digital distribution, and support publishers in their efforts to publish content.” We have all seen how quickly trends flash forward; if you’re not leading the way, you might get trampled. For authors, we believe now is the time to build your website, implement marketing tools and create a social media presence (in addition to publishing ebooks!) to help establish you as a pioneer in the field of epublishing. It may seem as though the epublishing industry has already taken off, but it’s clear that the future is brighter still for indie authors and epublishers. Now is definitely the time to act!

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