The Future of Reading - EditionGuard

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The Future of Reading

Mitch Woodhead

June 21, 2016

children ebooksThe eBook revolutionized the way people read. While print is still popular, more and more readers turn towards their electronic devices for entertainment. However, the advancement of technology shows no signs of slowing down. Indie authors already have to be mindful of the several different platforms on which their eBooks can be read, forcing simple formatting and broad compatibility. The changing technology is bound to affect how consumers read, and indie authors have no choice but to keep up. Mobile Devices When self-publishing, you want to be confident that your eBook can be easily accessed on a mobile device. How your content is delivered is crucial, as your readers most likely uses their phones or tablets more than anything else. Full-length books are still the norm, but that may change with time as apps are developed for an easier read. Take notice of what develops and how people read on a mobile scale, as it could have a serious impact on how you publish. Siri is Only the Beginning Technology, such as Siri, has many applications for its users. Questions can be answered, directions can be given, and it won’t be long before there’s an app that can read an eBook to the reader ... without the mechanical voice. Voice commands might allow readers to navigate their electronic libraries or offer suggestions regarding what selections should next be read. This is where simplicity in formatting will do you many favors, allowing for easy transitions to new technology as it emerges. Speaking of New Technology There is no telling what could come next for readers as technology continues to advance. Virtual reality and holograms are not as far away as you may think, offering the potential for eBooks to be experienced in an entirely new light. And don’t forget about how technology will change other aspects of life for your readers. Your audience will have plenty of time to delve into your eBook if they are commuting in a self-driving car. Who knows if eBooks will be read traditionally as they are now, or if words will display across the dashboard. There is no limit to how technology will change the way eBooks are read. The future of reading is unpredictable, but it is guaranteed to pose changes - and challenges - to how eBooks are written. As an indie author, you have the flexibility to change as quickly as technology does, so definitely take advantage of it and find success in what the future holds.      

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