The Importance of Research for Nonfiction eBooks - EditionGuard

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The Importance of Research for Nonfiction eBooks

Mitch Woodhead

March 8, 2016

light bulb 2Even though you may be writing a nonfiction eBook and not necessarily an academic research paper, you don’t get the luxury of skipping one of the most important aspects of writing: the research necessary to lend your eBook authenticity. If you think you already know everything that there is to know about your particular topic, you’re already headed in the wrong direction. Taking time to research your eBook before embarking on the various writing stages is critical. This time allows you to expand on more than just what you know. Reference What Inspires You Your research stage should begin with your own favorite blogs, magazines, or any other informative sources that you enjoy reading casually. These sources may be packed with fantastic quotes, ideas, and references for you to draw from, to help back up your own assertions. These references that you already rely on are a great place to start. Look At Different Avenues Use your research to make comparisons that your readers haven’t thought of before, and expand the horizons of your own thought process. You’d be surprised at what connections can be drawn between two seemingly unrelated topics, and how much depth they can give your eBook. Limit Time for Research At some point, you may have to cut yourself off. There is such an overwhelming amount of information that exists, and you can easily overwhelm your own mind as well as overload your eBook. Too many thoughts and ideas become cluttered, so it’s important to centralize your research. Only allow yourself a certain amount of time for research, whether it is based on the entire eBook or a single chapter, and then move forward. Conducting research for your nonfiction eBook adds clarity and credibility to your work.  This crucial step allows you to create a nonfiction eBook that is well-rounded and thought-provoking, with the potential to be groundbreaking.

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