The Rise of eBook Subscription Services - EditionGuard

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The Rise of eBook Subscription Services

Mitch Woodhead

April 20, 2015

E-book subscription services function like Netflix for readers, providing a library of reading material for a set monthly fee. There are a number of eBook subscription services available, and understanding the benefits and costs of each may help you determine where to align your eBooks. Oyster Free trial: 14 days Cost: $9.95 per month Features: Read on any device through the Oyster app. Access to over a million titles and partnerships with Macmillan, HarperCollins, and Simon & Schuster. Kindle Unlimited Free trial: 30 days Cost: $9.99 per month Features: Access to more than 800,000 titles, but no partnerships with major publishers. In fact, the system has come under fire for being the anti-thesis of user-friendly. Scribd Free trial: One month Cost: $8.99 per month Features: Over one million titles, including comic books (Marvel) and audio books. Scribd recently announced a partnership with Penguin Books. Whether you’re an indie author or publisher representing several indie authors, aligning yourself with a subscription service may prove to be beneficial over the long term, as these services are not only growing in popularity but offer every new author the potential exposure to a growing readership. Have you tried any of these popular eBook subscription services? Which one do you like?

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