There's No Magic Formula to eBook Marketing - EditionGuard

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There’s No Magic Formula to eBook Marketing

Mitch Woodhead

September 12, 2014

There is no magic formula to eBook marketing. Much like the advice we offer to indie authors who haven't yet achieved their goals (keep writing!), our advice regarding marketing your eBook is to keep experimenting. Selling your eBook and achieving success with it can be difficult, but there are many different resources available to help you. Whether or not you can afford a publicist to help you achieve your marketing goals, you should be open to trying different ways to get your eBook in the spotlight. This list can get you started. Next week, we'll explore other ideas for getting more publicity.
  1. Create an author website where you can tell the world about you as an author and your eBooks.
  2. Create social media accounts and use them to amplify your message.
  3. Create a GoodReads author account and enlist their help listing your eBooks.
  4. Tell friends and family about your eBook and enlist their help in promoting it.
  5. Do interviews and talk about your eBook everywhere you go.
  6. Add a buy link to your email signature on every email account.
  7. List your eBook(s) as publications on your LinkedIn profile.
These are the basic marketing steps every author should take, and most of these steps can be taken even before the eBook is published. If you can obtain cover art for your eBook early, you can use that as well to help you promote the upcoming publication.

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