'Tis the Season for eBook Publishing - EditionGuard

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‘Tis the Season for eBook Publishing

Mitch Woodhead

December 10, 2015

IMG_1376'Tis the season for eBook publishing! If you’re looking to get your eBook out there, now is a perfect time to do so. Holiday sales are popping up everywhere, and people are digging through online selections more often than usual. In the search of gifts for others, shoppers often come across something fascinating for themselves - so having your eBook available for them to discover can be perfect timing. It may seem daunting to try to sell an eBook during a time where everyone else is also selling, but not doing so is a missed opportunity. By participating in a holiday sale of your own, you could drop the price of your eBook, which has shown to actually sell more eBooks. Nobody loves a sale more than a holiday shopper, and at the very least it gets your work out there. The other benefit of marketing during the holiday season can be attributed to the tablets and eBook readers that are frequently given as presents. Those gifts will be unwrapped, and thousands of users will swarm the internet for great reading material to load on their new devices. In the weeks prior to the actual holiday, catch the eye of your audience with holiday-themed advertising strategies that will lead them right back to your eBook. Truly, 'tis the season for eBook publishing! Keep in mind that your eBook does not have to be holiday themed to sell well. Enhance your marketing efforts by connecting on a personal level with your readers as you market your eBook. This can make it even easier to stand out from other sellers. Emphasize more than just “buy my eBook” and discuss what you and your readers are passionate about this time of year. It’s a shame to miss out on a time of year when online shopping is at its highest level. Whether a gift for someone else or oneself, an eBook could be incredibly successful this holiday season.

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