Tools for Indie Authors to Achieve Better Success - EditionGuard

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Tools for Indie Authors to Achieve Better Success

Mitch Woodhead

May 20, 2015

The big publishers and Amazon would like nothing more than to leave indie authors believing that there is no hope for them going forward. Even Smashwords has jumped on the "it's only going to get harder for indie authors" bandwagon. We disagree. No, not every indie author is going to make it big, and not every indie author is going to be willing to put in the effort to make it at all. But for those authors who are willing to put in the time and the effort, it's never been easier to self-publish, keep your profits, and be the author you've always wanted to be. Here we've gathered some of our best resources to make sure you're headed in the right direction.

Writing eBooks

Don't be afraid! We can help you overcome the fear of writing your eBook Stop making excuses and write your eBook! The power of digital publishing - see how far you can take creativity 4 ways you can transform content into an eBook and publish quickly Turn your #WordPress blog into an eBook with a push of a button Writing with voice - the must for exceptional indieauthors Make your words matter and sell more eBooks #eBook writing: better writing = better selling Write your first #eBook! Get started here. Write your first #eBook - ideas to tell your story Write your first #eBook - use a template Write your first #eBook - create an anthology

Do I Need a Ghost Writer?

Should I hire a #ghostwriter part 1: When should I hire a ghostwriter? Should I hire a #ghostwriter part 2: How to choose the right ghostwriter Should I hire a #ghostwriter part 3: What to expect Should I hire a #ghostwriter part 4: How to protect your work

Creating eBooks that Sell

You've written an #eBook - now what? Before you publish your #eBook What #font to use when formatting your #ebook. It does matter. Do you need #proofreading and #editing for #ebook publishing? Why #ebook authors should use #DRM Does my #ebook need a copyright notice?

Marketing eBooks

Improving #ebook visibility. An EditionGuard special series How #socialmedia improves #eBook sales Marketing your #eBook on #Pinterest Marketing your #eBook on #LinkedIn Marketing your #eBook on #Facebook Marketing your #eBook on #Google+ Marketing your #eBook on #Twitter Free #marketing for your #eBook

Indie Author Websites

WordPress Plugins for #indieauthors WordPress Plugins for #indieauthors part 2 5 Ways to Create Compelling Content for Your eBook Website Make more on your #ebooks by selling them from your own blog or website EditionGuard is a proud supporter of the indie author and small publisher community. We invite you to try EditionGuard services free for 30 days and discover how you can sell your eBooks securely and for more profit.

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