The Tumblr Indie Author Page - EditionGuard

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The Tumblr Indie Author Page

Mitch Woodhead

December 22, 2014

a74aebf8-f907-4bf2-9aa6-c6b39f2ecd07Tumblr is an often-overlooked social network that is ideal for connecting indie authors to readers and other authors. What Is Tumblr? Tumblr is another social sharing platform that is, in form, a microblog like Twitter, but with the ability to allow for well beyond 140 characters. In addition, you can share SoundCloud albums, animated gifs, photo albums, videos, and images galore. Think of it as a fusion between Twitter and Facebook, only better than both in many ways. The best part about Tumblr is that you can set it up so that what you share on Tumblr is also shared on Twitter and Facebook, so you can essentially post to one place and have it broadcast across other platforms. As with all of the other social media sites we recommend for indie authors, it is crucial that you do not simply post and post again about your eBook(s). You should engage with others on Tumblr; re-post those posts you love, and share your interests in life that go beyond selling the next eBook. Be your authentic self. One of the best things about Tumblr is that if you are an erotica writer or if you write for an 18+ audience, you can set the page as such. Rachel Fershleiser has great advice for writers about getting started on Tumblr. Check it out on Media Bistro. Next time, we’ll talk about Instagram for the indie author. Read the rest of our posts in this series: Why Every Indie Author Needs GoodReads Why Every Indie Author Needs a Facebook Author Page Twitter for Authors      

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