Turning eBook Readers into Marketers of Your eBooks - EditionGuard

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Turning eBook Readers into Marketers of Your eBooks

Mitch Woodhead

April 3, 2014

eBooks are magic, really. They are more than just words on paper. They are interactive, interconnected opportunities to deeply engage with your readers. You can hyperlink to web pages, detailed research and audio; you can even include a link for your devoted reader to buy your other eBooks. One of the most important things you can do at the end of your eBook is to offer your reader the opportunity to share the news that they’ve read the book. For this to be successful, you need to make it easy for your reader to share. This means creating clickable images or hyperlinks that prompt them to share your eBook on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, that also include a link to your eBook purchase page.
  1. Create the hyperlinks below, inserting your eBook website where indicated.
  2. Either hyperlink the words that read “Share on PLATFORM” or insert the platform logo button and hyperlink the image.
  3. Encourage readers to share.

facebook logoFacebook

  Facebook Bonus: embed this code on your web site for people to share directly from your website: Facebook Embed Code


  TwitterCode Make sure that %20 is inserted between each word of your book title, and remember to include your call to action. Bonus: Embed this text link on your web site: Twitter Embed Code Make sure that %20 is inserted between each word of your book title.


Google Code Make sure that %20 is inserted between each word of your book title.   Do you have a call to action at the end of your eBook to turn your eBook readers into evangelists?

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