Being visible on social media is a great way for eBook authors to connect with readers, advertise new eBooks, and create an overall online presence. But with all the social media options available to you, it may be hard to determine where and how you should place your focus.
Have a Home Base
Your home base should always be your own website. Other forms of social media can certainly enhance your online presence, but your writing empire should be built for you and you only. This website can demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in your chosen field while offering a platform to connect with your audience. Using EditionGuard, you can also sell eBooks directly from your website without having to give up any of your profits.
Have a Professional Face
When your readers click on the Facebook link from your website, they should be connected to a professional Facebook author page. While we encourage you to share your personality and some details of your life with readers, you still want to have a barrier between your personal life and your professional life. Keep your professional life and personal life separate by having separate social media accounts.
Cultivate Professional Relationships
Social media makes it easy for you to connect with readers, but it also offers you the chance to connect with other writers and professionals in the self-publishing world. Connect with other authors, cover designers, proofreaders, and editors. Connect with authors who have already had some success who might be willing to mentor you.
Schedule Your Social Media
Set expectations for yourself and your followers for when you’ll be online. Decide how many posts you’ll make each week and what platforms you’ll use. Determine whether you will schedule "live" online times to engage with your readers. If you don't set limits and manage expectations, you may find yourself spending more time on Twitter and less time actually writing eBook content.
Social media, when used efficiently, can emphasize your presence as an eBook author. Through social media, you can generate interest, gather feedback, and advertise your writing. By using your own website as a starting point, your readers will have more to discover about you each and every week.
Read more about using social media to market your eBook:
Social Media and the Indie Author
7 Social Media Platforms Indie Authors Must Embrace
Market Your eBook with Social Media
How Social Media Can Improve eBook Sales