How Do I Use Video Marketing for My eBook? - EditionGuard

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How Do I Use Video Marketing for My eBook?

Mitch Woodhead

December 11, 2013

We’ve already talked about the importance of using video marketing for your ebook, but we’ve had a number of questions about how to use video marketing, so we’re revisiting the topic with more video marketing tips. First of all, why is video marketing so important for indie ebook authors? The answer is simple: Google owns YouTube; therefore, YouTube ranks very well in Google search results. If you create simple videos and upload them to YouTube, taking the time to create an optimized title, description, and keywords, you will increase your visibility.

How Do I Make a Video for My eBook?

The simplest way to use video marketing is to either answer questions about your ebook or yourself as the author, or to read from your ebook. You can even develop a video that complements your ebook if you wrote a how-to or instructional ebook. The important factor is to create a video. If you don’t feel comfortable in front of the camera, realize that for your readers and potential readers, there is no better way to develop that trust and connection. Have you created a video to accompany your ebook? Share the link with us below!

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