Using Reddit to Expand Your eBook Sales - EditionGuard

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Using Reddit to Expand Your eBook Sales

Mitch Woodhead

December 3, 2014

redditReddit, launched by two students from the University of Virginia, is a social networking and news site that allows members to submit content. In addition to sharing links, community members can also post to reddit. Registered users then vote the posts up or down by degree of importance or popularity, the idea being that each user will help the most popular content become viral. Reddit can be a useful tool for indie authors for a number of reasons. Not only are there subcategories that indie authors can subscribe to and network with other authors, such as r/selfpublish, but there are a number of subcategories where indie authors can promote their eBooks, especially when they are on sale or being given away as part of a promotion. Whenever you are running promotions or sales on your eBook, you should submit to reddit the link that allows users to buy your eBook. Be sure to clearly communicate in the title of your reddit post the details of the deal. And it’s important to come back and reply to comments left on your post regularly. Use a title for your post like, “Today only, download [Title of eBook] Free!” Share the link to your purchase site and include a little information about what your eBook is about. Have you used reddit to improve your eBook sales and network with other indie authors?  Let us know!

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