Perhaps we all have an idea for a book rolling around in our minds, but the gap that exists between realizing the dream of becoming an author and actually publishing an ebook is only bridged by effort and determination. If you’re ready to write an ebook, this blog is the place to start.
Sometimes the hardest part of starting an ebook is doing just that: starting. These suggestions should help you get your creative juices flowing:

- Set aside dedicated time each day for writing. While you may have times when you sit and stare at a blank screen or spend more time on Facebook than you do actually writing, it beats the alternative, which is to think about writing an ebook and never starting.
- Create an outline. Roughly sketch out the thoughts and ideas you want to include in your ebook. Whether you’re writing a how-to book or a children’s story, an outline can keep you on track.
- Keep a notepad handy (if you’re digital to the core, use the memo app on your phone) to jot down inspirations when they hit. You may think you’ll remember later on the brilliant paragraph that just came to mind, but you won’t (especially if it comes to you in the middle of the night).
- Speaking of the middle of the night: Sometimes it’s when you’re most relaxed that the ideas really flow. Be sure to keep a phone, a pen and paper, or your laptop handy, so that you can capture your ideas before they escape into dreamland.