Why eBooks are the Future of Publishing

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Why eBooks are the Future of Publishing

Mitch Woodhead

June 18, 2013

eBooks are the future of publishing. There are pockets of resistance in the publishing industry in which groups of people declare that digital publishing will never overtake print publishing. I would suspect that the average age of these skeptics is somewhere well over 18. While adults are embracing ebooks for a portion of their reading, with more than 50 million adults shown to be using ebooks by the end of 2012, kids are those readers who will determine the fate of digital publishing – and kids, ages 2-13, are shifting their reading to digital more quickly than their parents. As these kids grow up with no nostalgic memory of the smell of musty old books, of turning pages and of creasing corners for bookmarks, I predict digital will begin to dominate the publishing industry. What Does the Digital Trend Mean to Indie Authors? As more and more youth and adults turn to ebooks, the demand for well written material will continue to grow in every genre. For the indie author, this means opportunity. It also means more publishers will jump on the digital bandwagon, and more developers will work to develop even better technologies for creating, managing and delivering digital content. EditionGuard is thrilled to be a part of such an exciting industry that is truly in its infancy. For the indie author who self publishes through EditionGuard, this opportunity can also mean greater profits and an improved ability to focus on writing fulltime. Learn more about our DRM protection service. Next week, we’ll continue discussing the future of publishing and its ramifications for ebook authors.

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