Once you’ve settled on an idea as you venture into
writing fiction, the development of your story can be daunting. But as we suggested in the first part of our series, have confidence in yourself. Follow these basic guidelines for writing fiction to help corral your ideas and streamline your thoughts.
Quiet Time is Precious for Writing Fiction
As with any eBook, the time dedicated strictly to writing is essential. Particularly when fiction writing, this dedicated writing time should be respected and adhered to, allowing you the creative freedom you need for the construction of your story. Fiction writing can be a monotonous, solitary business at times, so don’t be discouraged if you need a break now and again, to stretch your legs and free your thinking. This time is when you’re writing process will truly begin.
Break up the Story
As you’re developing your story, keep in mind that there are basic parts in every fiction story: an introduction that sets the stage for your narrative, plot and character development, the climax of your narrative, and then resolution. The first part of your novel should introduce your main characters and themes, the second part should develop those elements, the climax is the peak of the story, and the final part should give some resolution to your plot themes, as well as wrap up loose ends that are a result of various relationships. Once you become comfortable with the basic pattern, you can vary your use of it to keep the reader's interest.
Don’t Plan the Ending
With fiction writing, you may not have a clear idea of how your ideas will flow even as they are written. You may decide that your initial thoughts on a character simply don’t connect with the way the story is developing. As you write, the construction of your story will change and develop, so don’t stress on the ending. Your ending will likely reflect the organic development of the eBook, and it’s often impossible for even the author to predict how everything will pan out when it hasn’t been written.
Now that you understand basic layout for the construction of your story, we will focus next on how your style of writing can help improve your fiction writing.