One of the biggest problems facing indie authors isn't writer's block or a lack of publishing deals; it's writing healthy. There's a ton of evidence to support the fact that
sitting all day at your computer is bad for your health, but if you're a prolific writer (or even want to be), sitting at your computer can consume long portions of your day.
Writing healthy means:
- Taking regular breaks so that you're not sitting for extended periods of time. This serves the dual purpose of fueling your inspiration, too.
- Exercising regularly. While getting in 30 minutes of exercise a day can be important to your overall health, getting up for at least five minutes per hour and moving around is better for writing healthy.
- Getting a standing desk so that you're not always sitting to write. If a standing table is too pricey for your indie author budget, you can get an adjustable hospital table for about $65 that works as well, if not better, than the expensive standing desks.
- Grabbing your laptop and changing your scenery. Not only will it force you to get up and move around, but it might inspire you too.
- Eating fruits and veggies every day, and making sure you're consuming plenty of water. It's easy to get in the habit of having limitless cups of coffee next to you as you write, but water will do a better job of sustaining your energy and your mental prowess.
You want to be around to enjoy being the next indie author that makes it big, but if you're sitting for extended periods of time with no breaks, no exercise, and bad habits, you're putting your health (and your writing) at risk.
How do you avoid sitting too long?