Why Writing Your Second eBook is Harder - EditionGuard

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Why Writing Your Second eBook is Harder

Mitch Woodhead

January 15, 2014

If you’re already a published indie author, then congratulations are in order. Yet, even with that success, have you taken time to consider how you will follow up your initial publication with a second eBook? It can sometimes be harder to write a second eBook than it was to write your first one. You may have already had blogs or other content that you were able to curate for your first eBook, making completion relatively painless. Your second eBook, whether it is to be a follow up to the original, a sequel or something covering a brand-new topic, may be harder to start and finish. It is important to get a second eBook published if you intend to be taken seriously as an indie author. While “anyone” can publish these days, it’s often that second eBook that sets the serious indie author apart from the crowd. If you’re having trouble getting started on a second eBook, consider these ideas:
  • Create goals to help you achieve success
  • Generate new ideas for eBook topics
  • Create a second edition of your first eBook
  • Collaborate with other authors
  • Curate content to help you create your second eBook
Are you working on a second eBook? Is it easier or more difficult for you? Do you have tips to share?

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