Writing Your eBook: Sources for Inspiration - EditionGuard

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Writing Your eBook: Sources for Inspiration

Mitch Woodhead

January 20, 2016

1453428_10152055749742664_159123381_nWhen writing your eBook, where does your inspiration come from? Chances are, you may have turned to the internet for at least some of your source material. While it’s not necessarily bad to pull a few basic concepts from the internet, you have to keep in mind that your readers could do the same. It’s important to look beyond what the internet has to offer for your eBook content. If your audience can search for the information that your eBook provides, they may have no incentive to buy your eBook. This is why it’s essential to expand what you offer unique fields when writing your eBook, which will also set your writing apart from other authors. It’s here that you can get creative with your writing. Your Own Experiences You don't have to write an autobiography to include personal experiences. Your experience is unique and can add a perspective to your eBook that can’t be found through an internet search. A personal account will not only offer fresh viewpoint to your topic, but it connects you to your readers. Involve Other Topics An eBook written about gardening can easily involve topics associated with architecture. If you can connect point A to point B, it doesn’t quite matter how that bridge is built. Drawing from other topics for writing your eBook makes for a more interesting read, and could even create connections for your readers that they - or you - hadn’t considered. Interview Differently An interview with an expert in your field can definitely add legitimacy to your eBook, but similar to an internet search, you don’t want to offer the same information. Think outside the box and ask questions that haven’t been asked before. If you can garner something new from an expert, it will make your eBook even more of an interesting read. When you look beyond the internet while writing your eBook, you are only limited by your creativity. A little more effort has the potential to take your eBook to the next level and offer your readers something entirely new.

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