Many competent writers do not believe that they can self-publish; subsequently, they avoid delving into the world of eBooks. Yet the most important step in self-publishing an eBook is in recognizing the barriers that you create and in finding the confidence to give yourself a chance.
Fear of Failure
Fear is the number-one hindrance that prevents indie authors from believing that they can self-publish. Many writers doubt their skills before they’ve even started, depriving themselves of a fantastic opportunity. Success with eBooks takes a great deal of work, and there may be mistakes that happen along the way. However, those mistakes are an opportunity for growth, and the end goal of a great eBook is always attainable.
The Need for a Publisher
You might be worried that publishers will turn their nose up at your work. Finding a publisher can be very difficult, but the reality is you don’t even need one. It’s incredibly common to self-publish, particularly in the eBook world. All the tools are available to every writer, and you can have your book on the internet shelves easily.
Is it Worth It?
You can self-publish. It requires dedication, a willingness to market your eBook, and a commitment to quality, but most indie authors will tell you that it is indeed worth it. Financial success aside, there is a personal satisfaction that comes with producing your own work. You do not have to be under any obligation to an agent or a publishing company, and you do not have to give heed to someone telling you what is or is not worth publishing. Your writing is something to be proud of, and self-publishing your eBook is something you won't regret.