Your Local Library Wants You, Indie eBook Author! - EditionGuard

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Your Local Library Wants You, Indie eBook Author!

Mitch Woodhead

May 18, 2015

Yes, it’s true. Your local library would like nothing more than to feature your eBook, especially if you are a familiar local who wouldn’t mind dropping in now and then for a reading or digital book signing. However, getting your eBook into your local library can be much more complicated than it should be right now. While we’re hoping solutions come along to make it easier on every indie author to be found in their public library, right now, OverDrive seems to rule the show. OverDrive is an eBook aggregator service that delivers indie author publications to libraries. You do not make any money on library lends, but think of the exposure! OverDrive has more than two million eBooks in libraries. OverDrive doesn’t only push eBooks to public libraries but also to corporate libraries. However, OverDrive is also frustrating for libraries (as are major publishers) because they put so many caveats on how many copies of the eBook you have to buy, how many people can have it checked out, and what format it is in. That’s why eBooks Are Forever is breaking ground by creating a way for libraries to get eBooks directly from indie authors. When you get your eBook in a library, it’s not about the money; it’s about the visibility. This offers hope for indie authors and libraries.

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